Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Saw Goes Back and Forth

A saw goes back and forth
It’s working on the wood
Saw dust is falling to the ground
As the winter’s snow
If the wood were replaced
With the nape of a man
It must be someone’s or mine,
Who cares!
But then no saw dust will fall
But blood will trickle
Drop by drop,
Not like snow but
Like a drizzle without any reason
The man may cry in agony,
Perhaps not,
The tears might be of ecstasy,
He may remain calm and silent, helpless
Embracing what has come.
The jaws of the saw, cutting down deep,
Soon the life will be lost
With or without the pain
The soul would, new world gain
The head will fall down,
Eyes protruding out,
Or serenely closed,
Blood will dry up and become cold
In the chilly winter
Slowly the body will decay
The world will move on
Turning its head away
Following the age-old trend.

One innocent soul,
Rare to find today
May question
Are such horrid deeds done?
They are done for sure
Not on one but all
The life’s impartial to all
Envy, a jealousy or hatred
Acts like the jaws of a saw
Cutting down deep
On our heart and neck
Without blood we bleed.
From time to time we read
With shock and surprise
Which also seems vague
Men have butchered one another
In all sorts of ways
Since times immemorial
Once a sword, once a guillotine,
With blood the man bleeds
Man on his brethren has always preyed!

A man stands in the crowd

A man stands in the crowd,
The crowd is immense
It expands to multitudes
He feels like a midget
As small as a cockroach
Or an ant;
He is afraid to move on.
Is there place for him anywhere?
The world was once vast,
Explorers weren’t able
To find the ends meet,
Now the world’s a village,
Global village by name.
Man loses his identity, his caste
So very easily and in haste
Each day he comes in contact,
With so many human beings
Who have lost humanity of old
Have turned numb and cold
Young, middle-aged and old
Poor, middle-class and rich
He is one amongst each
Lost his power to think deep
Life is lived like a barren desert
Which at last also ceases to exist.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


The morning has come
It’s not bright
It’s filled with gloom
Prognosticating the doom
That will come very soon

Delhi’s hazy and dark
With clouds cast overhead
I advance leaving my single-roomed lodging
To my college
In the heart of the city

I am greeted with sullen faces as I tread along
No emotion, blank eyes everywhere
The rush for money has begun since early morning
The roads are packed:
Big busses, small and long cars,
Bicycles, rickshaws, autos, scooters and bikes,
Young men and women, college students showing-off
Typical emotionless cacophony of the materialistic town

As I descend down the metro-station
There’s rush again,
The train is over-crowded,
People are huddled,
Their bodies piercing against one another’s,
I am also one of them,
Stuck between a young girl and an old man,
Your identity easily dissolves here,
You are frustrated with the crowd,
Their pushing and pulling,
And no way giving,
The population explosion indeed,
But isn’t each individual a part,
I ponder and wonder,
How will the future be like?

But halfway through the thought,
My station arrives,
It’s called New Delhi
With much struggle I deboard,
And lastly a sigh of relief,
Exiting the station with difficulty,
I am in the open air,
Oh what a pungent smell,
By the roadside as you walk the pedestrian way,
There are men urinating on the public walls,
They are neither proud nor gay,
Rivers and streams flow poisoning the air,
Not only that there’s human dirt everywhere.

If you follow this way further, (you need courage sir!)
You will see true India in its dark colours,
Men and women,
Old and young,
Living and dying,
Covered and naked,
Dirty and filthy,
Hungry and numb,
For days and days their stomachs have ached,
They look for opportunity,
They steal and they beg,
They add to the cacophony

Policemen you will see in this very way,
From this early morn,
They have begun to sin which they consider pious act,
Bribery and corruption blossoms,
It grows day by day,

If you find it more than enough to bear,
Take a turn midway to your right,
Take a bus or just walk by,
In few minutes you will reach
The posh circle of C.P.
Just take a stroll along the swanky buildings,
Or just go and sit in the Central Park,
But beware a bomb had blasted there just only last year,
It may happen again,
For all know well, its now quite common,
An everyday occurrence

Now let’s come back,
I’ll take the way straight forward,
For you know I am getting late,
One always is late in this city,
Oh what a jam!
Traffic is unbearable,
There is not even a place,
For an innocent soul to pass by the road side,
A bike or bus may break your head off,
I take a longer route,
Round I go and now I am almost there,
The guard asks for my card of identity,
How is one’s identity defined?
I ponder everyday, but never is an answer found!

Now I have reached my college,
Once again, safe and sound,
The airs have changed
There are trees and flowers around,
I am late once again
My teacher gives a cold stare
Through her glasses round,
I take my seat and am lost somewhere profound!

The day will end in the same way,
And again I’ll take my way back home,
It’ll be the same one, only the chaos will extend,
But this time it may be in a friend’s company,
And in deep discussions we may fall
Over the faults of political system and society,
We’ll depart with no solution, nothing would be gained,
And this monotony of life in this hubbub of this town
Will forever and ever persist,
Our lives would be lived like the acts of a clown!